Millions of Students are OUT of the Schools today, Worldwide
The coronavirus outbreak’s led many governments around the world to prevent people from going to schools, colleges etc, both private and public.
If you have kids in school age, that is most likely your case too.
People are being asked to stay home to try to stop the virus from spreading amongst the population.
So, what about focusing on the bright side of this whole situation?
Most parents are also not being able to go to work, due to the virus outbreak.
The good news is that parents and children are getting more time together.
More time than ever before! What about turn these broken eggs into a delicious omelette?
Take this time to read to or with your kids. Talk about the stories, ask the children to mix up the main characters of different stories into a new one. Foster their creativity!
Play some video games together too! Have some fun. See what they like about each particular game. Work out successes and frustrations as they win, or loose at gameplay.
Let them – the kids – talk about their friends to get to know which are the ones they love the most. Arrange a FaceTime meeting.
ATTENTION: get your FREE Resource Guide by the end of this post.
Seize this opportunity to teach about empathy and philanthropy.
You can also show your kids how lucky they are to have you as parents, to live where you live, to have what you have.
Contrast that with others that are not that lucky.
Let’s take the people we – at Holistica Foundation – know the better, as a suggestion to your charity talk: Brazilians.
Brazil is a huge country with 200 million + people living in it. Its size is similar to that of the US, without Alaska.
Brazil’s got the 8th biggest economy in the world. However, the majority of its people makes not much more than 300 dollars per month.
When looking at the big cities like Sao Paulo, or Rio de Janeiro, one will find out that millions live in the “favelas”, a kind of ghetto, usually where access to everything is limited, including water and sewerage.
The education system is mostly run by the government and the results are not promising: the most recent World Bank Report states that Brazilians would take 260 years to get to the same level of other OECD countries in reading.
Making a long story short, Brazilian kids don’t read.
Once again it seems that Brazilians would probably waste another good opportunity to take something good out of a crises.
Even though most parents and children are spending time together right now, at home, the chances of they are actually reading books together, or talking about stories they’ve read before, or to even playing video games, is low, very low.
Why? Because the children’s parents also don’t read!
The education crisis in Brazil is old and lasting.
If you so choose, make a charitable donation today to help sowing seeds of love for reading in Brazil.
Thank you a lot for helping our cause. We would be glad in trying to connect you and your kids to the children in Brazil your kind donation will benefit.
We say try because one of our values is freedom. If the benefitted student/family agrees in letting us put them in contact with the donors, we gladly will. If they choose not to, for whatever reason, we apologize but their will will be respected.
Again, thank you for reading this and for making a gift to help our cause.
Just enter the amount (in US dollars),
and click the button to process your donation.
If you’d like to learn about other ways you could give, please follow this link.
But as you may have noticed, to homeschool is not the same as having your kids at home doing homework.
That is why our good friends at CulturedKids put together this Fantastic Guide to help you make the transition and understand what to expect and what not to.
Just fill out this form to get your FREE Resource Guide. I am sure it will make your next days a lot easier.
Thank you!