Here you can find the most common and important information about Holistica Foundation Inc (HF), our work and how you can join us.

What does Holistica Foundation (HF) do?
We understand that education development involves complex socioeconomic issues and it is not restricted to having access to literary works. However, several international studies confirm the importance of reading for academic achievement. In an article published in the journal Research in Social Stratification and Mobility a group of sociologists linked to universities in Nevada and California, in the United States, presented the largest international study on the impact of reading on academic success. The main finding: the greater the number of literary works at home, the higher is the educational level (in years) of the people growing up in that home.
Then, what we do is to provide students an additional opportunity to grow.
Where in Brazil does HF work?
What is the 1BOOK4LIFE Program?
1BOOK4LIFE Program is responsible for operations in Brazil. The local team is responsible for selecting the books, inviting schools to join the program, managing the distribution of the books and monitoring and evaluating all activities in regards to onsite operations. Holistica Foundation is responsible for collecting funds, purchasing the books, monitoring and evaluating 1BOOK4LIFE’S activities and providing feedback to donors.
Is Holistica Foundation affiliated with a religious or government organization?
Why should I support this organization when there are people in need in my own country?
We do not see social investment as an either/or proposition, specially in education.
Every community could benefit from improvements in education, but in Brazil a small investment can have a major impact in the lives of the whole community. And we’ve experienced that. Children benefited through HF’s gifts usually read the books to their family members – many of them illiterate. And they also lend books to friends and family in the community. It’s like if the community becomes a live sharable library!
The impact of literacy in poor communities in places like Brazil is huge. Children who read usually get away from violence. It’s a avalanche of change!
How is Holistica Foundation funded?
Where can I find Holistica Foundation branded media and materials?
Our media page includes a fact sheet, photos, logos, descriptions of our work, and our brand identity standards. You can help us spread the word using your own social media. Learn more here.
How can I donate?
Can I donate to HF from outside the United States?
Yes. Our secure donation system accepts credit cards from all over the world.
How can I make sure my donation has the greatest impact?
We are currently expanding our activities in the US. So, the most impactful way to support us is by contributing to our mission and operations through a gift to our greatest needs. Unrestricted gifts provide us with the crucial flexibility and security to ensure Brazilian students have the support they need to succeed.
It is important to notice that, soon, we will guarantee our donors that 100% of donations will be reverted in the purchase of literacy books. We are working hard to achieve that. For now, however, we still need to cover operational costs in the US, but we keep it to the minimum.
Holistica Foundation operates with a very low fixed budget (currently $10.000 per year). Until this figure is reached, 50% of all donations finance our office operations. After that we guarantee that 100% of the new donations will be reverted to the purchase and delivery of literacy books, along with monitoring and evaluating the programs.
Do you accept used books donations?
We do not accept used book donations. One of the main issues in Brazil is that many students have never been given books before. Therefore, the books we give them are brand new, so that students know this is a valuable gift. They can feel the wrapping paper in their hands and smell the scent of a brand new book for the first time. It’s a whole different experience!
Also, 1BOOK4LIFE Program does a great work selecting the book catalogue. All the books are specially selected with one goal only: make students fall in love with reading! The books are written by award winning authors such as Ziraldo and Mauricio de Sousa, and international writers such as Julio Verne and Arthur Conan Doyle! You can check out the entire catalogue here. We work with more than 500 titles!
Can I direct my funds to a specific school?
Yes! However, it is important to notice that all students in the selected school must be benefitted at once.
It makes a major impact when we gift all students at the same school at the same time. It becomes a huge party!
Therefore, if you would like to select a specific school to make a donation you would have to fulfil the needs of that whole school.
The students will be thrilled with your good action! Contact us if you have that in mind!
By helping all the students of a given school your name will never be forgotten. The families your good deed will positively impact will remember you for the rest of their lives.
How can I receive a copy of my donation tax receipt?
Online donations are receipted via e-mail. Your e-mailed tax receipt should arrive within five business days of your online donation. For offline donations, a tax receipt will be mailed to you within ten days of receiving your donation. To request a replacement tax receipt, please contact us at
How can I update or cancel the credit card information associated with my monthly gift?
After a donor makes a recurring donation, the processing company (DONORBOX), sends him/her an email with instructions on how to set up a password for the newly created donor account.
With that account, the donor can log in to the donor dashboard to edit recurring donations. A donor can change plan amounts, and pause or resume recurring donations at any time.
How can I get involved with Holistica Foundation?
The best way to get involved with Holistica Foundation is to embrace our mission! You can see the different opportunities to take action on our website.
Can I volunteer for Holistica Foundation?
Yes! We are currently a startup not for profit in the US and we need different kinds of labor, expertise and network.
Graphic designers, fundraisers, educational ambassadors, you name it!
Any help is welcomed, and you will be rewarded for you good deed. Come and join us!
Can I get my company involved?
Holistica Foundation partners with companies in a variety of ways. Send us an email so we can talk about solutions that best fits your organizational needs.
How can I get my school involved?
We are currently developing a specific program to involve American schools with our mission.
Send us an email so we can talk about how your school can help and benefit from Holistica Foundation’s activities.