The Cycle of Poverty
How to break it for good?
Roberto’s father had a poor childhood in a rural area in Brazil (a small town called Sao Domingos do Norte, in Espirito Santo State).
When Roberto was born, in 1973, his father was a farm worker. His household was a poor one and his mother needed also to work to help maintaining the family of 5.
She was a cleaning lady at a local shop.
Before 13 years old Roberto began working with his father to help him out, so going to school was not a viable option at the time.
Years have passed and Roberto is now married and he’s got three kids. Luis is the oldest. Roberto and his wife want their kids to have more opportunities in life and that’s why they’re struggling to keep them at school.
Luis kinda like his school. He likes the friends over there, some of the classes, but most of the time he would prefer to be somewhere else. But he keeps going anyway.
It’s like something is missing…
Luis wants to be an inventor to work on one of those big factories where he “will build magical things, like phones and stuff”.
Unfortunately, chances are that Luis won’t finish high school.
Most students in Brazil won’t finish elementary school and many others won’t graduate from high school. (Learn more here).
But, even most of those who graduate from high school will end up knowing a whole bunch less than one should’ve known.
Only 1 in every 4 Brazilians are fully literate (reading, writing and math).
The cycle of poverty haunts Luis’ life in a similar way his own father’s and grandfather’s lives were haunted.
What can YOU do to change the end of this story?
You can do nothing and hope for the best to happen to Luis and the many, many others like him. It’s a possibility. A small one, true, but it could happen.
Could it? Really?
YOU can act now and make an impact that will never be forgotten!
Many lives will be forever changed when YOU sow seeds of love for reading.
YOU will be helping poor students like Luis to fall in love with reading. You’ll be fighting the good fight against illiteracy!
A world of opportunities can blossom for those who love to read. Better paying jobs and even entrepreneurship abilities can flourish from the seeds of love for reading that YOU will sow with your generous donation.
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Sao Domingos do Norte’s photos